On Tue, 18 Jan 2022 01:03:16 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On 1/17/22, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
the roads govcorp usurps ... they are not govcorp's roads.
Get real with current reality. Yeah hundreds to forever of years ago "roads" were humanity's free and communal paths.
your employers, the US nazi 'public' 'private' 'partnership' DO NOT OWN anything. No government on the planet owns anything. Thieves do NOT own what they steal. You can't even grasp the plainest political truisms apparently.
It must be especially 'voluntary' for 5 year olds.
Such supposed purity of advocacy, coming from the guy who says...
"There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'."
Exactly. Only pentagon-feminazi scum, and jew-kristian right-wing scum, like you, believe in 'child sexual abuse'. Notice that you are just the other side of the pentagon-feminazi coin. Shocking. So, you are the non-human trash who thinks that sex is evil, and poisoning children is SCIENCE. Next.
The free market,
meh, maybe I missed the fact that you are professor turd?
Vax force is logically wrong...
stop pretending to be what you are not. You are a pentagon trumpofascist. Stop copypasting 'voluntaryist' bullshit that you get from the jewnazi.com 'institute'. It fools no-one.
It's all bullshit and propaganda, obvious since day one.
But you are the same scumbag who is constantly pretending that the 'virus' is 'real', and not the common cold. Now, if you changed your mind 2 seconds ago and are admiting that it's all bullshit and propaganda, why don't you then teach that to your twin turd jim bell? Go ahead. The motherfucking piece of shit bell has been spaming covaids propaganda FOR TWO YEARS. Refute all of his vomits. We'll be waiting.