On 11/15/2016 07:31 PM, jim bell wrote:

From: Razer <rayzer@riseup.net>

On 11/14/2016 11:20 PM, grarpamp wrote:
Your nobody is not Juan's nobody.
>Mine is solution-focused nobody.
>I also don't believe you can simply eliminate governments, or armies, or police agencies just... like... that. Anyone who says such things is either >an idiot, a or a feudal warlord with an armory and a flock of marauding friends waiting for the opportunity to rip you off.
>Personally, I think that last describes the typical "Libertarian" in the US. Anarcho or not.

Well, I don't consider myself to be a 'typical' libertarian.
And as for eliminating governments and armies:  Are you considering my AP essay?   https://cryptome.org/ap.htm

I'm not saying implementing AP will trivial, but it is a relatively economical way for the public to get rid of governments and armies.
I think anyone who thinks otherwise has a responsibility to defend that position.
       Jim Bell

My point being it's not going to happen this week nor does it happen in an instant. Theres a period of time, an interregnum if you would. If police vanished off the street this second what do you think might happen, realistically?
