On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 05:16:26AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bA6E9gcG1M 2020-10-15 Alex Jones was Banned First, Nobody Believed the Canary, or Stood Up and Defended His Truth, Now his 2018-08-06 is here for everyone, and the joke is on you HAHAHA!!! https://infowars.com/ https://banned.video/
PLEASE! TDS, the DailyStormer.com was by FAR the first, WAY before Jones! The canary in the coal mine is not a hyped up blog selling penis pills, but the supposedly "despicable white supremacist" speech (in reality, just comedy sketches) that Andrew Anglin build the DailyStormer.com around. This is not a hair split even if they had of been banned around the same time - it's the principle of it! The step that Anglin took was a very bold, very confronting step in relation to free speech, and Alex Jones was far more timid and tame in comparison. Alex Jones did not defend Anglin and never spoke up about TDW, when TDS was first taken down, or second taken down (or the quite a few domain names which were outright stolen), to this day...
Truth exists within the Noise and the Crazy, it's your job to find it.
Greenville, NC— “If I do not sound like a typical Washington politician, it’s because I’m NOT a politician. If I do not always play by the rules of the Washington Establishment, it’s because I was elected to fight for YOU, harder than anyone ever has before!“ -- Trump
Trump is a work in progress, his Christianity is a work in progress, but damn, he is trying, and he is not giving up, and he is dancing, and he is punchin Rona in the head - "I've changed my mind, Trump is a demi-god!"