On Thu, 1 Oct 2015 11:05:45 +0300 Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 04:36:53AM -0300, Juan wrote:
On Thu, 01 Oct 2015 07:45:26 +0100 oshwm <oshwm@openmailbox.org> wrote:
" All I wanted was for the public to be able to have a say in how they are governed."
snowden can't be THAT stupid...?
IMHO Snowden did something of real significance.
And that is? Sure he pissed off both left-wing and right-wing american fascists and assorted lackeys. But it doesn't look as if the powers that be were much affected, if at all. Regardless, his 'theoretical' views on government are a joke.
Don't care if he is totally stupid or even crazy.
Well, I find it somewhat entertaining that a guy being hunted by 'his own' government still babbles nonsense about government...
I am new to this list and have question:
Did this list do something of real significance?
AFAICT there are technical/political/crypto/trolling discussions of high quality, but this is just smalltalk.
True. We should blow up the pentagon.