You thought China was bad? Sexism is now a yellow card offense, along with racism, "threatening and offensive language" and "racist or sexist language, gestures or behaviour". A second offense gets a red card, at which point treatment is withdrawn "as soon as safe" - i.e., as long as you won't die as you walk out the door. Sexist will NOT be tolerated by Britain's National Health Service! Wrongthink will be eradicated with these gender sensitive and inclusive medical care policies. UK's National Health Service To Deny Treatment To "Racists" And "Sexists" “We’re sending a strong signal that any racism or discrimination is completely unacceptable – we want staff to challenge and report it and we want everyone to know that it will have consequences,” ... As Jack Montgomery highlights, “In late 2017 an NHS patient who requested a female nurse to carry out a cervical smear complained when the hospital sent a person with “an obviously male appearance… close-cropped hair, a male facial appearance and voice, large number of tattoos and facial stubble” who insisted “My gender is not male. I’m a transsexual”. ... The problem here of course is that the definition of what constitutes ‘racism’ or ‘sexism’ gets broader with each passing day. ... Foster parents have also had children removed from their care by the state because they were supporters of UKIP and not vehement supporters of “multiculturalism.” The University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust also ordered that the British flag be removed from security staff stab vests after one person complained that it was “offensive.” This is even worse than China’s social credit score, which to my knowledge doesn’t yet punish people by withdrawing medical treatment if they engage in wrongthink. First it was deplatforming people from social media websites, then it was deplatforming people from bank accounts and mortgages. Now it’s deplatforming people from hospital treatment. ...