MCBoss marches down to Spy and Rebel Cafe, Come One Come All. He brings a zombie government worker. MCBoss: "Zombie Government Worker, knock on that door and get their attention!" MCBoss crosses his arms commandingly. --- In Spy And Rebel Cafe, Come One Come All, a knock is heard on the unlatched door. Rebel Specialist: "Somebody's knocking on the door." Homeless Telekinetic: "Oh, they're probably not opening it because they're embarrassed about their telekinesis. I'll get it." --- Homeless Telekinetic opens the door to see MCBoss and Zombie Government Worker, all postured like they're going to stuff somebody in a sack and punch the sack until it stops moving. Homeless Telekinetic: "I'm so sorry if the closed door made you uncomfortable. Please, come in." MCBoss [confidently]: "I'm Boss, the famous owner of the whole world. I'm here to hand over my international business empire to the rebels." MCBoss looks at Homeless Telekinetic determinedly. Zombie Government Worker: "Uhhhh .... Boss .... ?" MCBoss looks at Zombie Government Worker, then back at Homeless Telekinetic.