Assassination Politics for me but not for thee is simply gross hypocrisy For cypherpunk revolutionary, Jim Bell, an exciting question was: “How can we translate the freedom afforded by the Internet to ordinary life?” I think that blockchains will replace armies for national defense, because a blockchain-based assassination market will be created…" Zach. CryptoGo Journalist-politician “… Mr Assange claimed some level of privacy was necessary for the successful operation of the military …” http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/drive/assange-i-can-rule-from-o... JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the independence of Australia.’ ASSANGE July, 2013 By 2013 it was well known the Au military had taken point in the illegal invasion of Iraq, then it had built concentration camps and stocked them with kidnapped refugee's. If Julian Assange didn't know this he was too stupid to be any kind of journalist ( though maybe a politician )