On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 15:56:30 -0500 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
So, I'm trying to dream a world where there is no State. Is it Marxist communism?
As pointed out by good old Bakunin, marxist communism is a form of totalitarian technocracy so the answer is definitely, no.
Is it shiny, happy people holding hands? Maybe something like appropedia.org.
in a free society there's no political power, and 'economic power' is way more distributed than it is today. Apart from that my crystal ball is cloudy.
Hmm, the "Joo prophesy" calls for a secular order, not a theocratic one.
jew 'prophesy' is by defintion theocracy, so not sure what you mean.
There is a Christian philosophy of a "holy catholic church" which will answer the remaining questions for Wo/Man regarding religion. Is that desirable? Or should there be no connection to the Divine in this new order?
there's never been any connection to the 'divine' apart from the scams of charlatans aka theocrats. anyway, whatever form of 'religion' you propose, it has to be completely 'separated' from any moral consideration. If you want to believe that the world rests on a turtle fine. If you're telling people how they should behave based on your 'religious' delusions, fuck off.
Because, while you were sleeping, you dreamed up the Fight Club and it's already written.
not sure what point you're making by rerencing fight club?
The point is, I'm believe, is that the world you want is already made and is waiting for YOU.
I still don't know what you mean.
The main character was rather crazy so I'd describe fight club as hollywood-pentagon propaganda showing the 'dangers' of 'crazy terrists'.
Ha, no, I think not. The main character was what every anarchist yearns to be: intelligent, organized, suave, and a better lover than any protestant or bourgoisie.
the main character was crazy and had two personalities. One of those two 'personalities' was an anarchist of sorts maybe. The movie itself is pretty bad and hard to understand.
Oh and yes, buildings get blown up exactly like the buildings the US military blew up during 9/11.
Also it's a lot easier to get glycerine from cooking oil.
An interesting point...
or rather, I should have said, it's lot easier to get used cooking oil as precursor. IIRC in the movie they use human fat which of course adds to the grotesque atmosphere of the movie but it's a useless complication 'in the real world'.