I don't know if it can be interesting for everybody, but it possibly can be curious for some people here.

I am sharing Kalev e-mail address for private feedbacks and he is a kind person.  Please, don't be aggressive with him.  He is a researcher and, like me, loves open data and open knowledge.

There are several good and interesting persons in the AIR-L list, but most of communication happens out the mailing list.  Please, no conflicts there.

Love and dreams,


PS:  -  A guy asked me why I always say "North Americans" instead just "Americans".  There are also Latin America and South America, not only North America.  The world is really small, but much more complex than most of us usually think. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "kalev leetaru" <kalev.leetaru5@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 27, 2016 4:02 PM
Subject: [Air-L] mapping american interest in the rest of the world
To: "air-l@listserv.aoir.org" <air-l@listserv.aoir.org>

Thought this would be of great interest to those of you studying media
geography and online bias.  The Google Trends group created for me a map of
how often Americans have searched about each country in the world thus far
in 2016. Turns out it matches quite closely the attention paid to each
country by American television coverage 2009-2016. Africa, Central Asia and
the Baltics are standouts, along with Southern Europe.  Thought this was
quite fascinating to pair up all of the work being done on media geography
and online bias with the use of search volume as a proxy for American
public interest in those countries.


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