it was bundle of organs’ turn to fetch water. Bundle of Organs was so excited and honoured to have water fetching pass to them. They reached out a part of somebody’s spleen toward a blade of grass, and pushed on a mound of soil behind them with somebody’s eyeball, to move themselves toward the water bucket. They were so, so happy to be away from the research project and in the beautiful sunlight! They knew Boss couldn’t hurt them here, let alone force them to kill their family members. Having this eater fetching task was bliss. They had moved about 3 inches. When they got near the blade of grass they shoved it inside a wound in somebody’s butt and clamped onto it hard to hold, pulled the eyeball away from the dirt mound and began pumping air really fast to start spinning. They moved around like this all the time. They were so, so happy to be safer! Soon they had moved 5 or 6 inches. They imagined how they would levitate the water bucket when they got close. They had been attending meditation circles, and while they were crawling they meditated on how their spirit connected with the sky and the earth and the community, together.