zombie 24: “to the zombie parts of my mind, i want to let you know that i am only considering briefly not eating brains. i am still planning to eat brains. and i am only planning to consider this for a very short period of time.”
zombie 24: “i want to prepare you for this, and make sure you are prepared before i try it. i want to also let you know to only hold this for a very short period of time, and to make sure the zombie parts around it are prepared.”
zombie 24: “now i am waiting before i do this. if any zombieism in me is not ready for this, please make sure i know. similarly, after we try it, i will check inside again, as to how it went, and how okay it was.”
after an introductory meditation, the zombies would journal their experience, and then sit over a meal of fake brains and discuss how it went
[feedback: what makes this so hard is that you think it will work to change you back. this is what makes it really hard.] [it’s still reasonable to like try for a millisecond, though. maybe this might build trust it can be okay. (from wim hof)]
[[“don’t you want to change back?” (suggestion, focusing on an area of the considering of wanting this, not focusing on the area of not wanting this, waiting)(mistake?)][“yeah, i guess we do want to change back … (mistake?)