On 10/14/20, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 03:19:43 AM PDT, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
https://www.scribd.com/document/479781400/Steele-Spreadsheet-1 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/10/12/cbs-obtains-94-page-outline-...
Whole Russia-Trump thing entirely fabricated from the start (anyone with a pol brain knew that). Initiated by the corrupt Hillary Clinton family, with intent and assistance from Fake News Media, Obamba, FBI, Deep State Intel, and Democratic Party Operatives, surely forward to DNC and candidates today. This one will be in the history books, right next to the scam of Government itself.
Trump withstood the four year long onslaught.
"Twitter Labels NYPost Hunter Biden Expose As "Unsafe", Won't Allow Users To Share" The Deep State... News Media, Intel, GovCorp, here Democrats... is quite strong. Trump, or anyone else, making too many dents in it risks getting themselves spun out, or killed. This election may serve to give Americans the chance to shield Trump from the Deep State by directly endorsing the #DrainTheSwamp proposition, and letting it run full bore the next four years now that the Democrats "Russia job" has finally been exposed in recent news. If the election or the Swamp Drain project fails, then it would be no different than Obama's fake "Hope and Change" bullshit, or that from any other bullshitter before. Thus Drain the Swamp is zero cost, potentially high reward. #DrainTheSwamp, as a seemingly direct open public attack on the Deep State... is a new [1] thing in the American political space, no? [1] Relavant to "todays" perceptions of "Deep State", as may be defined post 1913/FDR/WWII/1970/1990/9-11... The State will never truly prosecute itself to any reducing effect, it will take something external. Biden, Harris, and Bernie have 100+ combined years of worshipping the State and paying themselves a fat salary via State theft from people. Trump is an outside businessman who can survive make his own deals regardless of the State, to him (as with all business, bribery lobbies excepted) the State is probably a very annoying cost and chill on business. So which of those two is more likely to try taking it down. If an American still views their only choices as being between Democrats-Biden/Harris/Sanders/etc vs Republican-Trump, it seems pretty clear they should go with the latter. They will discover Anarchism, Libertarian, Voluntaryism over time, in part through punk activists increasing in the internet and real world.
The one dramatic criticism I have of Trump is that at least so far, he has completely failed to get the vast majority of Hitlery's and Obama's cronies prosecuted, as well as HItlery herself. ...
Probably hard to do that when the people, as you noted, who would be hired to do the work are likely as Swampy themselves and standing in the way till they are discovered to be useless. Question may come down to who is out publicly speaking and perhaps trying to do something about Draining the Swamp... Democrats, or Trump Republicans... thus openly informing people that shit is fucked up, regardless of the entirety of both sides being quite swampy. Use the answer to steer things to who is more open, to whichever parties aren't proposing rolling out as much brand new $Trillions of Socialism Communism new government entrenchment and false Saviour mind programs upon the peoples that will make things much harder to remove later on. While at the same time continuing and growing the primary efforts in the Libertarian Voluntary Anarchism space. People who think that they will see or enjoy any shift toward those in their lifetime, without employing such multi-pronged efforts, are deluding themselves. Sun Tzu would never rely upon one single tactic to win a war. Neither should the LVA space.
Here are supplement doc to your link... https://www.scribd.com/document/480054428/480001185-Email-From-Vadim-Pozhars... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/smoking-gun-emails-show-hunter-biden-int...
Does she have "something" on Trump?
If so, it's unlikely to be political high crimes, more likely boring bog standard old business / civilian related "crimes / dirt / muck". Trump's time in office comes after Hillary / Obama time of relavance. Though they might be the chosen custodians and political deciders of whatever "something". If they have something, the only calculation is exposing their own political "sources and methods", given risk of a growing "Drain the Swamp" movement, and with the Russia hoax now being dismantled in the News so that Trump is free to run like the wind, seems they should release whatever they may or may not have right now. They have nothing. https://mobile.twitter.com/TeamTrump Trump Team will have to push VERY hard over next two weeks to fully break free faster than the Russia hoax is dying out. If the people pick up on ex-Russia news, Biden's puppet frailty, Kamala's political/pussy weakness, Democrats hardly sustainable program largesse, 2a, choices, and everything else News Media has been biased on, and get it out to their circles of friends and family, he'll win.
How many million votes will Trump lose in the election, and how many million will Biden gain, solely because Trump hasn't delivered on his "Lock her up!" promise from 2016?
Inter-Party promises are different than those directly involving and to the people. Corona lockdowns ([continuing] in Democrat Run Cities/States) turned out to be an unnecessary and job/life ruining anti-promise. Both US Parties failed early on messaging freedom preserving means of Corona management, while Trump aligned more along freedom.
I just saw a news item about some newly-discovered emails indicated that Hunter Biden introduced Joe Biden to some people at Burisma. Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/email-reveals-how-hunter-biden-introduced-ukra... "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
People knew that was corrupt as fuck ever since they learned Hunter joined board of a Russian company while daddy Joe was either in or contemplating office. If Trumps are smart, they will have banned themselves from engaging in such "new business" for the duration. Though the people who lived around and did 1776 wanted something, it surely wasn't Socialism Communism Marxism, the Democrats, Biden AOC Sanders Clinton Obama etc, nor even today's level of Government entrenchment and intrusion.