On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 23:56:04 +0000 (UTC)
jim bell <
jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> That sure sounds to be exceedingly improbable, huh? Who has had control of the archives? I figure these records can't have been kept only by ONE person, right? Other people should have copies.
>> This is beginning to sound like a mystery-thriller. How exciting.
>hmm. I searched for "assassina" now. Turns out I had previously misspelled it as "assasina"...oh well.
> there are some 60 comments on political assassination in general in the 92-95 period, kennedy stuff etc.
Well, remember that my working idea is that I showed up at CP well before July, probably April or May 1995.
>And this message from you.
jimbell@pacifier.com (jim bell)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 03:09:56 +0800
Subject: Re: e$: Come aaaannnndddd Get it
If you've been following my idea, "assassination politics," you know that
there is an excellent use for payee-anonymous digital cash. "
Okay, that seems to be the first pre-December 1995 appearance. But remember, I am not just looking for MY postings, but probably for hundreds or even thousands of them by CP'rs postings by other people, to other people. Five per day for 150 days is 750.
> so that's a few days before december 1995...
A start.
> also, searches for " AP " return posts about associated press. The first usage of "AP" as shorthand for assassination pols. I found is this
frantz@netcom.com (Bill Frantz)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 05:21:23 +0800
Subject: Re: Assassination Politics(tm) was V-chips, CC, and Motorcycle Helmets
(4) I think that if someone can be traced as profiting from a AP death,
e.g. through winning a gamble on the date/time of death, that person's
whereabouts at the time of death will be carefully investigated.
That is probably 10 months after I appeared on the CP list., Do we agree that there is a mystery here?
Jim Bell