Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated! I am aware of the well known pgp-wordlist, however like you state when using audio channels the pgp-wordlist may not be the best option for non-native (US) English speakers, because it contains many words which probably a lot of non-native speakers are not familiar with and have then difficulties to write the words down. Then there is mnemonicodes available, but the list in there contains to many words, while it is more efficient when encoding. Hence my humble approach. Regards Stefan On Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 11:03 PM stef <> wrote:
On Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 10:39:43PM +0200, Stefan Claas wrote:
Hi all,
I recently finished the English word list for my encoder/decoder and thought I would share the program with you.
i see that list contains the words young and youth. you really want to avoid words in that list that have a close phonetic similarity in case these words are read out over an audio communication channel. there is such word lists already available, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. pgpwords is decades old and does exactly so.