On November 25, 2016 8:19:04 PM EST, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Let's get tools in the hands of Team Trump, Milo Yianoppoulos, Breitbart, and every other so-called "alternative" media source, left
Damn straight - can never get enough Milo Yianoppoulos! Heil Milo and death to the luginpresse!
or right, "extreme" left or right or otherwise, which tools reduce platform change friction to as close to zero as possible.
* The foundation of such tech is stable public identification.
An "identification regime" that folks are already familiar with is probably the best start, backed by funky fully decentralised DHT type tech. For on purely random e.g. (never used Twitter sorry, so this is not in any way technically accurate!): - start with say Twitter handle syntax, [.]@... - add something small to this regime, say [.]@@... or [.]@UID... - back this with gnunet or something similar - build tools / GUIs to seamlessly transition folks from Twitter, Facebook etc
Imagine this: - "your account got banned? Just use Gwitter!" - "your tweets aren't getting out? Just add a second '@' symbol!" - "you're not seeing Milo's tweets? Just use Gwitter!"
We can imagine gateways between say Gwitter and Twitter, where every individual who uses Gwitter and Twitter, becomes a gateway (if they so choose), and a war where Twitter Inc shuts down more and more gateway accounts, which would only highlight (to normies/ regular folk) the foundational problem of the centralization and censorship inherent in corporate fascist centralised "platforms" - this highlighting and raising of awareness can only be a great thing!
* Additional things like privacy, anonymity, secrecy etc, are not even on the scale at the moment - the foundations must be handled first.
Can we solve "freedom of speech, as in I'm free to communicate with whom I choose to communicate with, which may involve nothing more than listening to those I wish to listen to"?
* And here's just another example that triggered my snowlflakey self into launching this tirade about why we need to get this done :)
Syria: Theater of the Absurd Gets Crazier http://journal-neo.org/2016/11/25/theater-of-the-absurd-gets-crazier/
$ akw gnunet Package: gnunet Description-en: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (meta) GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security. All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP messages.
-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.