Noscript is admission of failure to sandbox, and a step away from webapplications. It's also just fine as a plugin for the niche that wants it. The only reason to put it in is that many even more niche features are in.

2015-05-15 20:54 GMT+09:00 stef <>:
happy bday!

also i like this quote:

> 08/06/2008, "I'd love to see it in there." (Window Snyder, "Chief Security
> Something-or-Other" at Mozilla Corp., interviewed by ZDNet about "adding
> NoScript functionality into the core browser").

how utterly depressing that we still don't have this, but have drm and rounded
fucking tabs, features that require you to disable grsec/pax protections, and
other goddamn useless crap.

anyway, happy bday noscript!

otr fp: