i had a friend who worked on the Tor project a long time ago. Tor blocked me after the team leader of the Tor project received information from me.

The Tor project is not open to criticism. They're also trying to silence the voices that speak the truth.

Açık Paz, Oca 16, 2022 11:25, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> yazdı:
More from the random internet...




DanAinge to umfuld:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsTGQbhuL0E Toorcon2007

Here are Tweets that include both Mike Prysner's handle and the handle
of Isabela Bagueros's (@isa), project manager of the CIA's Tor Project
since 2018.

Note there are literally dozens of Tweets from the PSL's Presidential
candidate Gloria La Riva and the PSL's official account that tag both
Prysner and Bagueros. Judging by how quickly PSL Instant Celebs go
from 50 Followers on Twitter to 20,000, it seems to be a fairly large
organization nationally. Yet these two people are tagged in dozens and
dozens of Tweets from PSL's leadership together.

They're connected.

She runs the CIA's Tor. He surfs with Yasha Levine and goes down on
Abby Martin. They're connected.

Also note how such Tweets tagging both suddenly stop when Bagueros
takes over the CIA's project. Almost as if they're aware of how such a
connection looks. Almost as if Tor was handed over to someone with the
PSL specifically to counter their bad image via their connection to
Weev (Tor is the only way to access Weev's The Daily Stormer) and
regime change asset Jacob Appelbaum.

I will not imply that Prysner intentionally became friends with Levine
to get him to stop reporting on Tor because that implies Yasha needed
to be duped and I don't feel that's a reasonable assumption.