I don't take assignments from fools for the simple reason I don't work with morons. You did jog my memory about an execrable episode in the declining years of punk. I saw ' The Great Rock and Roll Swindle " in Melb around 1980. That disgusting and repulsive Marxist, Malcolm McLaren featured prominently - along with his BFF, Stabber Squid. ( Situationist Sid ) This might have all been forgotten by now except for one Dame Vivienne Wikileaks Westwood. Antisemitism has to be hammered down where-ever and when-ever it raises its ugly head. Take our resident hate-filled bigot, Batshit Crazy. He knows his antisemitism is actually dangerous - that's why he scuttles and hides. If you keep chatting away with him you can be Doxxed, Ddossed, SWATTED and destroyed with him. Your homework. Fool.