Relax, sit back for 5 minutes and enjoy. Do yourself a favour and dl high qual - only 38+6 megs. youtube-dl www.youtube.com/embed/FPRswRWZ23Q -f248+251 ----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> ----- From: Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> To: reader@gmail.com Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 15:57:41 +1000 Subject: Fwd: The Hummingbird - *Subject:* *The Hummingbird - For the Children and Adults* This is so amazing and a nice break from the virus and politics!! Enjoy! If you have a good monitor, you’ll appreciate the photographic quality It is excellent. There is no other bird quite like a hummingbird -- amazing brain structures, how they control all their movements & remember things. I think you will appreciate this. www.youtube.com/embed/FPRswRWZ23Q ----- End forwarded message -----