On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 05:04:46PM -0300, Juan wrote:
A currency can't just be used for gambling and have any lasting value. Fees are so high on BTC as preclude any use BUT gambling whereas BCCs are back where BTC was 2 years+ ago. Imagine if USD could only be used for bank wires and SWIFT settlement. How useful would it be to most people?
Yes, limiting bitcoin to high value transactions, digital gold style, would limit its utility as 'currency'. So the second layer approach can make sense after all...
Disclaimer : I don't necessarily trust blockstream either...
Fundamentally, the only sane position to take when greed is most likely at play. With this BTC fork, DCs seem to be able lubricate the "maximising collective (miners in this instance) self interest" motive (for now at least), as compared to the "resignedly accept the status quo (on existing fiat pyramids), thereby maximizing the self interest (wealth transfer towards) a much smaller few".