A little history for the uninitiated: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-29/how-executive-order-6102-doomed-am... Here's the thing, the uber-elite, such as Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc, have been hoarding (using that term loosely - the Fed's reserves are in serious question, as was the tonnes under the WTC towers, each of which apparently "disappeared", more facts required) gold using fiats. The fiat system has been designed to cyclically collapse (you thought the Federal Reserve was constitutional/lawful?), and those fiats are used for more generalised systematized hoarding, such that when the collapse happens, and the mathematical reset trigger is pulled, those holding the gold are the same old Goldbergs, Silversteins, Rothschilds and the rest. So a reset is not useful in and of itself. What is required is a systemic change. There are simple solutions, but they do require a general consciousness - the unwashed sheeple need to become a little more washed/ aware. Good luck,