28 Sep
28 Sep
1:37 p.m.
----------- why is traffick boss such a big old blasphemer? kid [to traffick boss]: "you're such a blasphemer, traffick boss!" traffick boss looks at kid traffick boss [to kid]: "why is traffick boss a blasphemer?" kid [to traffick boss]: "you say "traffick" when you talk about yourself, and you blush [and cross your legs] when you say it!" traffick boss struggles and squirms traffick boss [to kid]: "it's true, kid, traffick boss is a blasphemer." traffick boss struggles and squirms more and a trance pall comes over him traffick boss [eerily calm]: "but traffick isn't blasphemy anymore, kid. you can say that word." kid: "i'm going to traffick you, traffick boss !!" traffick boss: "you might have a lot of company doing that"