On 09/18/2017 05:18 PM, grarpamp wrote:
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:33 PM, xxxx <xxxx.xxx@gmail.com> wrote:
People who use tor to host 'illegal' content get caught.
Various elements of HW, SW including Tor, users opsec, etc are all fail at / for various purposes as may be used. No single one of those is solely responsible for all known downfalls.
It's mostly been stupid mistakes, entirely unrelated to Tor. In a few cases, such as SR1, it was stupid mistakes related to Tor. See https://www.ivpn.net/privacy-guides/online-privacy-through-opsec-and-compart...
"freedom hosting" conclusion
I'm not sure how Freedom Hosting operator Eric Eoin Marques went down. Maybe it was the same Firefox bug and NIT malware that got many users. But it likely wasn't a Tor bug. I'm not aware of Tor bugs before the CMU clusterfuck with substantial meatspace impact.
Why don't you start a project to go interview all the fallen operators. Build an even stronger case like blockchains add on their confirmations. As a result people might end up listening and questioning more than ever before. You'd be famous journo Juantercept.
Because he's a clown ;) <SNIP>