On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 06:50:45PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 07:16:30AM -0500, John Newman wrote:
Donald loves to play the victim card. Poor white male, my god it must suck being the most privileged class in one of the most privileged countries in the world..
Actually it just sucks being James Jim Donald because he's a hate filled fuck with a shriveled little black heart who has no comprehension of the need for diversity
The classic Liberal irony is their assertion (the trap you fall into here John) that geographic / spatial homogenization of all countries into one global "people" supposedly increases "diversity".
There's a misnomer here - diversity of peoples and their cultures 'given the world as a whole', vs some idealised "diversity" which is same similar in all nations since everyone freely moves everywhere and intermixes, thereby decreasing cultural diversity, at least in those lands that the emmigrants predominantly immigrate into (i.e. we don't see millions of Whites immigrating into Somalia for example, only the reverse).
and would literally stomp it under his jackboot.
John, what might be a more interesting discussion than "who's jackboot is a bigger bitch" might be a response to the following quote (i.e., if you can respond in a reasonable way, with a reasonable counter argument to the concept embedded in this quote):
"A world of independent cultures is true diversity and freedom." (Quote from our favourite ethnic nationalist, you know who.)
Since Jon's so absolutist and absolutely unable to, anyone else able to refute the irony of the push to "uniformly diversify all (Western) peoples, as in geographically reducing diversity in the name of diversity" ?