http://www.theverge.com/2016/12/19/14007830/house-committee-congress-stingra... https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/THE-FINAL-bipartisan-... The devices, used by local and federal law enforcement agencies around the country, have been controversial, both for their power to track mobile devices and the secrecy often accompanying their use. As the report notes, the devices are still often used by local law enforcement agencies without warrants, instead relying on various lower standards of evidence. The committee's investigation, which last year prompted the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security to change their policies on when to require a warrant before using the devices, found that the Justice Department uses 310 of the devices and spent $71 million on them between fiscal years 2010 and 2014. Homeland Security has 124 devices and spent $24 million in the same period. [...] The committee recommends that agencies become more "candid" about the devices, and urges states to pass legislation that would "require, with limited exceptions, issuance of a probable cause based warrant prior to law enforcement's use of these devices." That's on average $194,000 to $230,000 *each*. Open source HW and SW to do the same thing is well under $1000 each. It's time you arrest and charge these rapists with count 1) wallet rape, count 2) privacy rape, count 3) conspiracy to abuse, convict them, and put them in jail.