Ms. Mazza:

Can DFS please provide a list of open FOIL requests filed by -, PBC with planned delivery of the records requested?

We are concerned that obstruction may be at play with continued delays.

All the best.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Larson -, PBC

MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022, 10:47 AM <> wrote:
​Dear Gunnar Larson:

I write in response to the FOIL request that you submitted to the New York State Department of Financial Services (“Department”), which has been assigned the above-referenced tracking number. This number should be the number that you refer to in all future communications with DFS.

         The Department requires additional time to complete our response. We anticipate responding to the request by August 5, 2022.

Thank you.

Tracking Number:FOIL-2022-089938-017627