On 01/08/2017 06:40 PM, juan wrote:
On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 18:30:49 -0800
Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:

On 01/08/2017 06:17 PM, juan wrote:
By the way, I didn't even bother fully reading that

I know that. You're a functional illiterate.

	Tell me rayzer, like a good american fascist, how many
	languages do you understand, apart from Imperial English? 

	Three languages? Trilingual. Two? Bilingual. One? amerikunt.

In my life I've learned four. English, Spanish, Hebrew, and Yiddish. Five if you count morse code. Six if you consider computer language. Multiple varieties of Basic. From V 1.1 to BasicA and the variety used on the tandy color computer which I can't recall the name of. I was also pretty good with OS9 v.1 and II for the coco, and I know enough jscript to get into trouble with.

Only one spoken language is still with me. Mostly due to disuse. Spanish. Taxi Spanish.

Comprede piojo?
