Yo, Dnia niedziela, 24 stycznia 2016 16:50:56 Steve Kinney pisze:
On 01/23/2016 10:41 AM, Rayzer wrote:
rysiek wrote:
It's cute how some think that power only corrupts and brings out evil in people if it happens to have a form of a government agency; and conversely, that no good can ever come from a government agency.
Power corrupts whenever people have unchecked power. Wether or not it is private sector, mafia, government, or civil society, if it has enough power, it *will* corrupt people.
"It is demonstrable that power structures tend to attract people who want power for the sake of power and that a significant proportion of such people are imbalanced - in a word, insane."
"Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible." - Frank Herbert
Can't those two effects work together and at the same time? I would say everybody is corruptible, depends on the particular flavour of corruption. Some are corrupted by money, some by power, some by "I am doing the lord's work, so I will disregard everybody else", some by sex drugs and alcohol. And every person in power will get more chances to get their "hit", whatever that might be, than a person without that power.
Our Mr. Herbert was deep into ecology - including what the think tank boys and PsyOps shops call 'human ecology.'
Recommended reading:
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