fascinating Tomas, well said and it captures what is hard to describe otherwise in its wide-ranging dynamics, co-existing with yet seemingly outside of existing crypto conceptualization in terms of hardware and software systems. i was thinking of a future cryptographic exchange system in terms of a MMORPG though your ideas made me reconsider the present in this framework which provides an interesting corollaries in terms of a more realistic context for cryptology in its known metaphysical dynamics -- the possibilities of advanced technologies that can read brain waves or tap optic nerves and how these figure into realistic questions of securing and transmitting data.

in this sense, the world could be viewed in terms of a game, as you state, and of a game-master which could define a security situation for those inside. this environment could be considered a 'world' then, with the game-master having god status or root access, whereas the chmod settings of various players or other hierarchical access could limit or allow access to game data and control over its environment. seemingly, those most aligned with the game-master (and their god-status) could have more priveleges or support the game framework, while others may seek to function beyond it yet remain trapped inside, where the rules are too limiting to change the rigged outcome.

consider then 'cryptographic tools' in such a closed environment, where the game-master has total control over the crypto and can read anything encrypted though this is not known to other players or is assumed benign, whereby omniscient-like awareness exists or is even shared by a certain group within the game which could benefit from the secrets supposedly hidden within the crypto, while other less connected players may naively assume there is security and secrecy and be taken down as a result of this. in that, perhaps the 'god' is fake and has a selfish or cruel and has an evil agenda and is trying to destroy those not aligned with their (truly hidden) agenda, because it is out of the boundary of available or allowed perception. and thus people in the game could be cultivated into a realm of stupidity, illiteracy, and ignorance by the game-master while those aligned with this ideology would benefit the most and function against other players, perhaps with the goal of killing all of them off so to win the game, and world.

the big tell or discovery would be that the 'game-master' who has god-status is not allied with truth, and instead bases all their power on manipulations via lies and cheating and corrupting events and causing pain, injury, and suffering to gain control and guide things for the worse, for the human players. and thus when challenged, this agenda becomes clear in ignoring truth, dismantling systems of accounting and feedback, and replacing it with an ideology behavior-based belief system that is onesided to a partial viewpoint that serves the devolved condition as if ideal. thus "god" in this scenario would be functioning against higher truth, and whatever truth would function in this domain would defer to 'lower truth' or partial truth of the ideology of the game-master and cohorts.

'official crypto' then, saying it is to serve and protect freedom could instead be meant to prevent and exploit it for a hidden agenda functioning against populations, only to benefit the group aligned with the game-master, and there could be a 'religious basis' in that 'true belief' or assumption of correctness could equate with absolute truth (T), even while the partial views could tend towards total falsity when accounted for beyond the warped framework (pT=>0). and thus reasoning would not be possible because 'truth' would be denied by binary onesidedness and a correct view chosen based on hierarchical privilege, which could rule institutions and society within the game.

what para-crypto potentially defines or suggests is that 'other crypto' could exist beyond the logical or observational boundary of the game-master and minions, such that data could be transferred between humans both in-world and beyond the game-world barrier, without being subverted by 'game-master' designed cryptographic systems which are inherently corrupted and a victim of 'partial omniscient' which serves itself as its goal, and thus 'validated truth' must benefit the game-master or else it is wrong, false, and threatens control over unified perception of what amounts to evil dictatorial control over the shared ~game environment.

[note: this fits very well with a view of the earth being taken over and exploited by a private, limited, evil agenda, whereby the leader assumes a position of 'god' yet whose omniscience is limited only to the game-world under their control. much like the devil masquerading as god yet not recognizing or allowing truth beyond their own pov.]

for me this could be interpreted in either traditional terms of theology, where it has relevance, as it relates to geopolitics and security and secret agendas today, even, though further- it could involve issues of simulation atop this, whereby a Matrix-like environment could exist, and the game-master could have computational control over events in this world and thus also have omniscient awareness - yet which is biased and self-serving, warped by a twisted agenda which seeks to subvert human development, etc.

either way- omniscience and cryptography should be the default scenario for considering issues of security, secrecy, privacy, and rights today. anything else is just using a corrupted framework that is essentially 'anti' by default of ignoring such a complex, SCIFI environment in terms of advanced technology and tools available and how data and ideas are functioning in an electromagnetic (and beyond) realm, which remains unaccounted for in the society, within education, and peer communications. thus illiteracy.

for instance, it could be metaphysics of higher dimensionality that the game-master is allowed to access 'thoughts' before encrypting them, and then alter tools to access anything that is encrypted. how do you deal with secret communication in a context like this?  the only security or secrecy seemingly possible would be that which is outside the threshold of observation for the game-master and in-game spies who are monitoring everything. and thus, their ideology is the programming and contains errors and corrupt code that creates a gap or distance between what is real and actual (truth) and what they believe exists, (partial truth). 

   pT <={x}=> T

if some observers observation of truth is bounded and more limited than another, even if operating in higher dimensionality, say 'aliens' are game-master minions, (obs.1), it is still possible for humans of lower status (obs.2) in the game-world hierarchy to observe and function within a truth that is beyond their awareness or observance, including the 'false god' of the game, who seeks to control and limit this interpretation of truth to only a particular version of truth, reliant on skew, bias, warping, distortion, normalizing this.

  0 ---> pT.1 ---> pT.2 ---> 1                         such that,
  0 <--- 'god' <--- pT.1 <---> pT.2 ==> 1

and this could become a context of the human and antihuman agenda, as it relates to truth...

  0 <--- 'fake-god' <--- antihumans <---> humans ---> 1

in this way, commercial and retail cryptography that is subverted and used against constitutional rights and freedoms via the corrupted state could, in its subversion, be used for the power politics and game-management of the game-master (or dictator) whose partial and finite truth, unchecked relativism, would tend towards zero or nothingness, death and shared 'false consciousness' as it relates to an ideological framework that becomes the common state structure and basis for relation. and humans could be confused into serving this agenda, or have their data pilfered by surveillance, to support and extend it via its exploitation. whereas humans may seek to serve truth (1) and in doing so, life and all that is true in its integrity and purpose, and yet attempting to communicate securely or convey truth beyond the allowed boundary, could make these individuals or groups into the enemy of the existing environment. off-the-shelf crypto use could tend towards zero and not one, by default of its hidden agenda, and could support the tyranny over the population rather than its liberation. note: the human context for omniscience would be knowing all that is true in its empirical wholeness, and thus absolute knowing (1), which would involve access to all events and all sensors and circuitry, including spiders eyes and birds ears. not just technology and not lacking in understanding of its truth -- whereas the false-god would be in error in their interpretation due to not having observation grounded in absolute truth for their biased reasoning.

in a doubled condition then, with backdoors yet perhaps secret hidden 'other code', the same crypto product could co-exist at either end of this entire range, that which has the compromised code sending pilfered encrypted information onward to the dictator and crew ("these are the secrets!") whereas other code could exist beyond or outside this boundary at the same time, and not be compromised and thus remain hidden or secret and in service to shared, higher truth.

the lack of logical accounting for truth then would have that kind of crypto tending towards falsity (0) in terms of its groundedness, as accurate empirical observation and instead could be feeding a false perspective or viewpoint or sustaining a 'virtual world' for the dictator to believe they are actually in charge and not being gamed. whereas a shared observance of empirical truth, error-corrected- removed of bias, warping, skew, distortion, would enable grounded circuitry between people and nature, even while trapped within a game world that could be functioning against them and their existence.

in such a way, 'crypto' as an idea would be important to review for its substance in terms of logic and its accounting in truth or reliance on partial truth and thus the errors that allow falsity to become a foundation and structure for relations and shared interactions, including those most secret, private, or in need of protection against enemies.

human cryptographic products that function beyond the observational and reasoning limits of the game-master ('god'-status and pT.1) in a realm of greater truth (towards 1) then are afforded their first security by being hidden by the boundary or threshold that cannot be observed by those unable to consider the parameters of reality it exists within; such as paradox that is 'undecided' and does not allow forced bias to attain "absolute truth" which is a false view and actually tends towards absolute falsity the more and more it is relied upon in error, especially empirically, as a total shared viewpoint. in this way, at some point, 3-value and N-value logic and truth observed based upon this framework of logical reasoning then establishes a common basis for shared observation, an empirical perspective of 'many into one', leveraging panoptics and removing the errors by 'bugs and eyeballs' potential, the core methodology required to ground views of a shared human identity into a coherent, accurate, multifaceted awareness.

thus [human identity] as a set tends towards a certain kind of consciousness if it is grounded in truth (1) and reasons towards it, whereas those who do not do this (antihumans) have a different consciousness and purpose, which relies upon and serves falsity (0) in terms of the absolute context, beyond the game-world itself. in that it could be a simulation of earth or earth itself, and while it or certain dimensions of existence could be under such hostile control - there evidence that certain truth is not allowed or is denied establishes that threshold where truth is unshared, people are unlike one another, and serve different agendas. and thus what is natural and known for humans may not be conceptualized or comprehended the same by outside observers of a mindset that favors a given interpretation that may be flawed or distorted, and in forcing data and observation into that framework, creates an ideological boundary, an inside framework that humans are outside of. much like computer systems today that serve an agenda apart from human development, people serving machines and base motivations of exploitation and enslavement. assuming that many believe this is the shared and correct framework, and the issue of compliance is the 'error-checking' routine, a false relation could be established and yet in its differance, allow a secondary or parallel realm of interaction, the unstated interconnectivity of humans, to exist yet beyond the known threshold, as voiced or actively sensed in game-god parameters.

it is all about signs, eventually, identity and language and perception as these ground to truth via logic, or exist in an ungrounded unstable condition, which is where the animal training aspect of society develops around dictators, forcing compliance via pain and brutality, as a way of having power determine what is true, or 'highest truth' (0).

as you mention, chaos and magic, and this could coexist in both realms as well, as metaphysical code. hidden hand interactions. accidents, good fortune, injury. death. and thus 'code' and 'programming' and 'crypto' exist in this context and likewise could serve forces of evil (0) where shared lies function as if universal truth, or be aligned with truth (1). and this dualism could be institutionalized, much like da Vinci Code dark/light dynamics at every turn as the forces move out of balance and return to equilibrium..

so the binary logic, in its onesidedness and ungrounded error-reliant ideological state, is essentially a broken cypher system, in that both as a concept and idea it is flawed and even false in modeling events accurately in that too-simple and too-easy framework. the crypto reliant upon its is weak because the ideas they are built upon are weak, not only weak- they are corrupt. false assumptions, error-reliant, and function in a realm of 'true belief' detached from external accounting, even beyond falsifiability. this is not only 'bad security' or a realm of false secrets (in more ways than backdooring equipment- the ideas are backdoored!) -- it is unreal, a false perspective as 'shared reality'. that is what the game-master cannot acknowledge because it is the worldview of their control over their minions and 'reasoning' needed to sustain their stolen world empire.

so it is proposed that use of 3-value and N-value logic by default functions beyond the capacity of these people to correlate into their antihuman observational framework and modeling because it does not parse into the binary warped self-serving ideological agenda and instead appears /irrational/ and arbitrary and is a chaotic dynamic that instead of reinforcing the binary belief and shared observation, fragments it and destabilizes it and continually recenters via non-compliance to the 'finite reasoning' of the false POV.

in this way, what occurs in these extra-dimensional realms as observation could inherently remain hidden or secret or have some level of security in that it cannot be easily accessed or understood as it exists, beyond the ideological framework and its formatting of meaning to fit into its partial, constrained viewpoint of events. and thus 'crypto' could exist in this condition, in which there is a gap in observation or a boundary or threshold condition, which cannot be accurately accounted for in the given terms.

the big issue of 'understandability' and its untethering from false- and controlling- limitations and constraint (thus issue of freedom) then allows "ideas" and truth to exist beyond the realm of the false viewpoint controlled by the game-master slash false-god and their minions who enforce and extend and develop the status quo.

so here is the next aspect you introduce- the computer... what if the world either was a simulation and run by a computer that enabled a partial yet flawed omniscience so that god-status had an uncanny ability to surveil those in-game, or that the game-master relied upon a computer for surveillance of humans to manage the game world and retain control over populations by being able to predict or control events, say having the ability to shape peoples destiny, having the power to manipulate time & space, etc. this is right out of Lewis Mumford Myth of the Machine, of a godless computer at the heart of the MEGAMACHINE, the state as an automated feedback-based machine that is set against human values and ultimately functioning against humanity. and guess what its greatest weakness is-- it is all binary!  thus entire classes of people who are in service to the machinery, taking on its values, serving its pseudo-truth (tending towards 0) and "believing" that things really are absolute yes/no for each & every observation. how absolutely fucking insane and - insanely stupid. unthinkably stupid. impossibly ignorant. it simply must be a setup, a conspiracy. it is fundamentally unnatural.

and yet the computer may have space-time and omniscience to a degree of the binary ideologist and could blacklist or control events and disenfranchise entire peoples and enslave humanity all the while nothing discussing this because it is beyond the boundary of communication for these events -- electromagnetism is not even in a historical context within scholarship of technological or social events (the last 300 years of electrification even), to provide observational grounding for these 'digital' ideological events. instead they are just believed wholesale by the populations - as the NEW RELIGION brought about be technocrats with a hidden agenda. crypto-politics, yet backdoored from the beginning, where: pT(T), such that:

   0 <--- pT (T-->1)       whereby

   1 (0 <--- pT (T))

if you consider 'infinity' in this bounded context: partial-truth (infinite truth), then something is seeking to limit the limitlessness and that is how it gains its power, much like a hydro-event where pressure from a waterfall is harnessed via turbines that are forced to rotate and do work and this 'natural energy' can provide power. in this way:

  antihuman (humanity)

yet this is a subset(set) relation, upside-down, and essentially equates with: 0(1)

and thus in terms of dueling logics, whether machine or human- or other-processing...

  binary (N-value)      or        2-value (3-value)         &or        2-value (N-value)

the important thing to distinguish in terms of 'reality' of this modeling is that both sets have '1' for a value, such that everything modeled as 'true' would relate to 1-value which is 'truth', though for binary this is the only choice and it is assumed ABSOLUTE, via ideology. it is a precondition for the worldview. and nothing is this simple, to start with. it is to theorize truth from the first to the last calculation and never question or suspend judgement-- everything must be aligned with a deterministic evaluation of absolute truth that is detached from actual accounting in truth, via logic that corrects for errors --or-- can be falsified. this cannot be. it is tautology taken to the extreme: dictating truth.

a normalized condition then is:  false-truth (truth), or false-truth (N-observations), which then must be aligned with its structures and frameworks- as with crypto equipment and its mathematics that may likewise be 'faith-based' in terms of trust systems, and thus tend towards falsity by default of their incapacity to account for greater truth beyond the observational limits established and sustained in their relation. which is why enforced illiteracy is so important to this 'covert' takeover or global terror coup. it secures the false view, within the false dynamics, and everything relies upon strengthening and propping up the false system and prioritizing its values and functioning. truth is the enemy here, it should be obvious. any error correction or feedback that threatens the goals and agenda and self-serving viewpoint of the populism (vote) it involves. and it is ~feeling based, as belief, if it feels bad it is wrong. wrong thoughts and bad thoughts that hurt these idiots, make them feel unsafe, less powerful, privileged or superior.

it relates also to supercomputing and the Deep Blue chess match is of this paradigmatic change in relations between limits of 'human reasoning' and that of computational machines, especially binary-based AI. the supercomputer or even networked supercomputers have speed of thought and action, and accuracy and depth, to call upon, well beyond the capacity of any encyclopedic human. i have never related to chess in its game play, due to my own processing limits, though understand the rules of the game. so i tried out a computer chess game and was immediately beaten again and again by what amounts to very low computer processing power, what amounts to a microchip or microcontroller with game instructions versus peak performance of global computing capacity. and what it indicated to me, loss after loss, is that the game is solved at its expert level and if it was feasible or possible, a chess computer could take a game and be a million moves ahead, potentially, than a individual's 5 moves or 50 moves. and it could probably calculate these in the same amount of time, though perhaps far more, in the realm of trillions of calculations as a start, by comparison to a human being.

    individual <---> individual

    machine <---> individual

    machine <---> machine

so people still play chess against one another, as they may also send crypto messages sans software/hardware equipment. and likewise, individuals can play chess against a machine, a chess computer or chess program, and as corollary, crypto between people and machines, whether having crypto created or challenged and deciphered this way, perhaps where AI computers create their own crypto algorithms someday that humans cannot crack and thus 'machines have secrets' and a 'hidden private truth', much like HAL. and then there is an issue of machines 'playing chess' against one another, state computers functioning against other state computers, and so on.

and what i realized in my perpetual defeat by the chess computer was that the traditional rules of chess favor a binary, serial mindset and thus are easily resolved by the chess computer, and thus there is a ~finiteness or controlled-realm the interactions are happening within, which can be accurately modeled and improved heuristically, via looped evaluation and feedback to refine or adjust the model. yet each choice is quite minimal, the realm of 'infinity' is not readily at work, and with each move, the speed of calculation is further and further able to refine and project a winning scenario -- and whatever might happen or may occur would be because of a gap or ambiguity where the boundary remains 'unknown' or neutral or may even be perceived as false by the machine. that would be the opening for the human, to do something unexpected for beyond the known interpretation and yet upon doing so, the machine learns and that option like others becomes closed down immediately, so it is no longer available, if it can be accurately incorporated into the existing game model and framework; ie grounded.

decades ago i envisioned an electromagnetic chess set with electric power plant (king) and skyscraper (queen), satellite dishes (rooks), transmission pylons (knights), radio and TV broadcast towers (bishops), and electrical distribution pole streetlights (pawns). the board itself consisted of wooden cubes where each side was a different color, as an informational terrain, green for grass, black for oil, blue for ocean, that could be randomly setup or changed during the game to reprogram interaction based on new rules. and similar to this idea, if suddenly a black square cannot be moved on or provides a double-move or special quality, it changes the probabilities involved in game play into a more multilinear or nonlinear framework, where [square] could become [6 squares] potentially, with new additional moves or characteristics based on each. and this in turn would effect 'processing' of the event by a computer, where such ~variables could tip the scales in humans favor, in that a square color could be changed mid-game and pivot what is occurring into another perspective, thus adding more unknowns though also unlocking what could amount to a dead game, on a conceptual level, in terms of serial logic that limits its potential as a multidimensional game. oftentimes intelligence compared to multidimensional chess, even.

so too with a godless network of supercomputers that stand-in for 'shared awareness' and seek to determine it, within their finite unbounded modeling in a false framework. if the game-board they evaluate is already "known" then it is a serial calculation that is snap-to-fit and categorization figures itself out and allows prime-number-ideologies to extend themselves further and further on ungrounded and uncorrected assumptions, and yet function as 'the sign' of truth. computer output, resolution in binary terms.

these same 'networked chess computers' are thusly biased, and have warped skewed distorted error-reliant code and programming that determines their output and how they evaluate input and search and categorize- and this is used to legimate tyranny, as B=B stands in for A, whereby pT = 1, yet in its limited view tends to 0, nothingness.

when these machines are evaluating and censusing humanity, especially in antihuman frames of reference, such that: sign=inaccurate is 'good', if it serves the ideology; then correlating and corresponding input and output can "prove" the bias as a matched pattern, albeit falsely or in ungrounded terms, reliant on errors in process and observation, and yet as if self-evident, there is no error-correction process that can establish oversight on its conclusions, especially mathematical, especially technical, scientific, because it is concluded a priori correct due to onesidedness of binary ideology, common to the entire false-enterprise and its soulless trajectory towards nothingness as if the cosmic centre of being (removed of humanity, replaced by cyborg-based entities) aligned with the shared ideology. essentially and effectively, a population of mindless robots and human slaves.

and yet there is a gap between this computer perception -- even in its seeming omniscience -- and actual reality. that which does not fit into the binary model or cannot be computed in the serial, linear equations. this sentence based language can be, it is perfect for computers to figure out, just like a chess board. to brute force meaning via linguistic structures and determine via probabilistic weighting 'truth' yet in a context of 2-value assumptions, themselves fundamentally inaccurate and ungrounded and of an inaccurate worldview that is the basis for computational models and 'computer architectures', along with the cryptographic products this extends into and becomes.

that gap is where the multi bitset parallel consideration and fractal reading/writing of texts and ideas and models cannot be readily accommodated without forcing a limit to its computability by binary models of evaluation, throughout the analysis, including equipment itself and forced decision-making and prioritization (deterministic skew), to evaluation of data that exists beyond its categorization and thus functions as a field of the data subconscious, unaccounted for yet still connected with the observation unknowingly, and also group analysis of data and decision-making based in binary thinking and reliance on this viewpoint as next steps and governance over its actions.

[the] [abelity] [2] [pring] [th*s] [in-to] [a-other] [r3a1w] [.is] [wot] [UPS] [th3] [comp.ut.ab.il.it.y]

to try to figure out the meaning of the preceding paragraph (prior to the structured breakdown sentence) is an issue of coherence within an existing computational model that is a 'historical framework' that could become expert and game-winning in terms of a rigged human-machine scenario that functions in antihuman dynamics, where /signs/ themselves automatically subsist and move toward a realm of falsity by their default biased interpretation that has been normalized, via biased privileged onesidedness that serves a hostile agenda hidden behind a false framework and encrypted within a false perspective. whereas, going beyond this limit to recontextualize the game-board, is to establish infinities where a pattern match once was presumed to exist by default, and the computation require to solve these same domains becomes intangible, beyond the boundaries and known borders - it breaks the algorithms and requires additional interpretation yet that is also limited in comprehension, and must guess or decide what is true about it, and only partial truth could be accessed, and thus limited by 2-value logic and flawed assumptions. and so 'meaning' would remain bounded to only what can be computed and arranged - which may force incoherence and chaos and fragmentation of modeling due to its unlikeness, or it may provide arbitrariness and unknowns to such a degree to appear meaningless or gibberish. and yet encoded within its mystery could be multiple meanings or messages, essentially encrypted via this unshared POV. the substance remains hidden or beyond observation, if it existed- and who is to say it is the sentence as a sentence, and not some correlation of meaning with its subset relations and dynamics, as variables may align. the above example is arbitrary and yet it is nuance or subtlety or insight, could operate beyond the 'known realm' of other observers, as plain text even. this is nonlinear language, it is not just a serial reading word to word -----> and instead can function vertically, in 'imaginary time' (Hawking), in the sense of conceptual connections as constellations, and the ability to read and understand the signs, and for each person their language may be particular and unique. and thus literacy remains relativistic in fragmented views yet can be shared, from this distributed condition, as peer-routing of grounded observations: [variable] [variables]. and as these may or may not relate in set theory dynamics, permutations that easily move towards infinity, toward greater truth if grounded, greater falsity if not. infinitely so.

so imagine each person is playing a parallel chess match with the devil, as in the The Seventh Seal. and yet this is an automated event, machine-driven and -reliant interaction and logic-based - and thus the programming and code that is running, the processing of person and computer would exist in some relational dynamic, such that:

   binary machine <---> binary individual

   binary machine <---> N-value individual

   binary machine <---> binary machine

   binary individual <---> binary individual

   binary individual <---> N-value individual
   N-value individual <---> N-value individual

   2-value individual <---> N-value individual

   2-value individual <---> 3-value individual

   3-value individual <---> 3-value individual

   3-value individual <---> N-value individual

what is proposed here is that the 2-value individual or 2-value machine are fundamentally flawed and in the 3-value or N-value paradoxical interaction, this 'status quo' condition of 'shared binary relations' can be overturned by switching over to a grounded model of error-correcting, shared empirical observation, accounted for in truth. at this level of ones and zeros. and insofar as machines and people cannot do this, it becomes a realm of hacking, cracking, and exploits- programming dynamics that can take down the false frameworks via their own internal weaknesses as ideologies and ideas, based on uncorrected or implausibly deniable errors that establish and sustain tyranny as an exploit of and against truth itself, and its accounting. this is potentially related to the Turing Test likewise, in terms of a litmus for reasoning, discerning a barrier or realm of behavioral or programmatic skew, beholden to ideology.
  2-value crypto <---> N-value crypto

the idea of paracrypto then can operate outside the limits of the 2-value constraints because the latter is itself a subset of truth that the N-value references and aligns with in its verification and accounting. the falsity of 2-value, the gap between pT <=> T, then is the realm beyond god-status observation even while remaining trapped within its unideal context, the false perspective.

   2-value (N-value)            whereby:

   T (2-value (N-value)        such that:   1 (.0000001 {99.9999999})

paracrypto in its paradoxical dimensions, could tend towards nine-nines reliability in terms of grounded observation, small finite accurate observations removed of falsity, even while contained or held captive in a largely false environment, yet which itself is embedded in a larger surrounding truth, outside the game world and control of the false god. in this way, the resonance of like with like or paired-truth could have properties of entanglement and circuit-related connectione (cosmic connectome) as parallel worlds align.
