Intel has released 16 new security advisories, which address 41 vulnerabilities. The advisories, some with 'high' severity ratings, appear to cover the full gamut of Intel catalog, including processors, devices, firmware, drivers and software. For example, several generations of Core processors and enterprise (Xeon) chips have newly disclosed vulnerabilities on the processor side. Then there are flaws and vulnerabilities in products like Optane SSD firmware, NUC firmware, Linux Kernel drivers, and the XTU tuning software. The Intel Processor advisory has been given the CVEID of CVE-2022-21151. It is described in summary as "a potential security vulnerability in some Intel Processors may allow information disclosure." It is 'only' a medium severity rating vulnerability. We think this is because it requires an authenticated user with local access to exploit the chance to "potentially enable information disclosure" from the processor.