On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 07:02:43PM -0400, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 05/23/2017 10:14 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 9:36 AM, \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Reasoning: You don't need to love Hitler either, but respect his choices, HIS freedom, his life.
Godwin's Law, aff... Oh, God, this lack of arguments is always pretty limited and fuck_ng boring.
Godwin's Law: A pro-fascist Internet meme used to declare any comparison between contemporary events or personalities with Nazi Germany categorically invalid and irrelevant.
Damn! Stylish response bro! :D I've never heard Godwin's Law taken down before ... and it's so obvious now that you speak it :) Yee haw! Language domination law bites the dust...
People say that those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. But what about people who actively suppress lessons of history? One could imagine they /want/ to repeat those lessons, at someone else's expense.
"Whom are you not allowed to criticize?"
Hey, Mark, you are so original, it's a brilliant point! Hitler would be proud of you and very thankful! :)
You do probably not know the Godwin's Law, so ask Google or someone smarter. You are sooo intelligent, probably can make a simple research. Tell me if you need help. :)
You are STOOPID.
Oh, thanks for the kind words! You are a "STOOPID" too, Mark. Fortunately, at least I know much more about Philosophy, hackerspaces, and soldering than you. Did you already learn something about electronics or are still whining in hackerspaces lists, asking desperately for help like a little baby girl? :)
They are NOT transgender. Please stop insulting women! do you think they somehow inherit all the problems and uterus of a women just because "they feel like they are truly a woman inside" when THEY piss out their FUCKING DICK?
I am a woman and my uterus and I don't feel "insulted" in any aspect because of transgenders. My ovaries support them too! :)
I don't have a penis for stand up peeing, but I am considering to buy this ( http://www.the-stand-up.com ) or something similar for use in shows and camping, hahaha!! ;D
Fucking idiots!
You are a fuck_ng idiot too. Or are you so idiot that didn't notice it yet? :)