Biden and Pelosi videos suffer from cognitive and physical decline. Check the brain, hand, body movements... Alzheimer's Parkinson's. Biden is 77.9, Pelosi is 80.5. And the people keep electing geriatric walking dead zombies... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXTAs8FaJN0 Pelosi's Brain Crashes and Reboots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t10FfzIpiKs Democrats Racism Scam And how scammy when instead of a simple honest notebook, the politicians all use teleprompters, earpieces, flashcards. Weren't "the people" just supposed to work the clerks office for literally few years then leave and let others do the boring job for a few more years. Who is any "wiser", your own self-determination, than you. Why bother with Government at all when you can run your own life exactly how you want to according to say the harmless freedom of "non aggression principle". 2020: The year of much rhetoric and popcorn... May 2020's insanity open people to seeking Libertarian sorts of things. https://mobile.twitter.com/RepDougCollins/status/1315445872881217537 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rep-doug-collins-resolution-pelosi-removal-... Rep. Doug Collins Introduces Resolution To Remove Nancy Pelosi For Lack Of Mental Fitness by Tyler Durden Wed, 10/14/2020 - 12:45 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) may get a taste of her own medicine after Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) introduced legislation to push for her removal as House speaker because she "does not have the mental fitness" to lead the House. "Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unwillingness to abide by the Constitution, combined with her recent actions, call into question her own mental fitness, which is why it’s critical that the House of Representatives demand her removal from the line of succession," Collins told Fox News. A draft of Collins’ resolution, obtained by Fox News, argues that Pelosi “is unable to adequately serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives and should therefore be removed from her position.” The resolution states that Pelosi “has spent the majority of the House of Representative’s time pursuing baseless and fruitless investigations” against President Trump and his administration, including launching an impeachment inquiry against him in the fall of 2019. -Fox News It's clear that Nancy Pelosi does not have the mental fitness to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives. I'm introducing a resolution to push for her removal. — Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) October 12, 2020 "On October 31, 2019, Speaker Nancy Pelosi oversaw the first party-line vote to begin an impeachment inquiry into a president in the history of our country," the resolution continues. Collins also cites Pelosi ripping up President Trump's State of the Union speech in February "before the American people," and that she "visited a shuttered hair salon in San Francisco where she received a blow-out without wearing a mask in violation of San Francisco’s laws concerning the coronavirus," then "cast blame on the salon’s owner for ‘setting her up.’" "Over her tenure of her speakership, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has started to demonstrate a decline in mental fitness, calling into question her ability to adequately serve the House of Representatives and the American people," it continues. Collins also references a Tuesday interview in which Pelosi lashed out at CNN's Wolf Blitzer after being pushed on why she won't accept the Trump administration's $1.8 trillion coronavirus relief package. "There are Americans who are being evicted from their homes, they can't pay the rent. Many Americans are waiting in food lines for the first time in their lives," said Blitzer, who noted several Democratic colleagues who had urged the Speaker to compromise - to which Pelosi snapped: "I don’t know why you’re always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position." Speaker Pelosi to CNN's Wolf Blitzer when he calls her out for refusing to make a deal on COVID-19 relief: "I don’t know why you’re always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position." pic.twitter.com/WHvnG3kOf3 — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 13, 2020 And three weeks ago Pelosi 'glitched' in the middle of an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos - blurting out 'good morning, Sunday morning' after hesitating to answer a question. Collins' resolution comes on the heels of Pelosi's announcement last week that she is assembling a commission which would allow Congress to oust a president from office using the 25th Amendment, just one day after accusing President Trump of being in an "altered state" while recovering from coronavirus. Pelosi denied that it had anything to do with the election, and argued that the committee would "give some comfort to people" regarding the stability of government. Under the 25th Amendment, Congress, the cabinet and vice president can strip powers from a president if for some reason he or she is declared unfit under dire circumstances. But that requires a 2/3 vote of both houses. Section 4 of the 25th Amendment also states that a majority of “such other body as Congress may by law" determine if the president cannot discharge the powers and duties of his office. The 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967, and Rep. Jamie Raksin, D-Md., who appeared with Pelosi last week, said it's time for Congress to set up this “body.” -Fox News Is octogenarian Nancy Pelosi fit to lead the House? "