Individuals speak. A listener agrees or disagrees. Scalpel some clarity from the stained cloth of life, express a truth. Bring forth -your- expressions of life, of the divine - lighten the load of another, help to transform individual and collective confusion, madness and chaos, into clarity, sanity and order. What else is there to do but to make things right, even a tiny bit? A few words, a shot across the bow from everybody's favourite Neon Nazi Andrew Anglin, commenting on Richard Spencer's recent “Also, insane Clown Posse seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit White identity”: https://dailystormer.name/agree-or-disagree-you-must-agree-that-it-is-a-bold... “A symbiotic relationship between the individual and the collective serves to propel society in a positive direction...” Agree or disagree, some words, memes, compel. One pines for beauty, love, another struggles to withold tears from the well of empathy for those of truth, of spirit, things undefinable yet ever compelling. Bring forth your greatest, be the you you can be. Let your light shine, as trite and cynical as it may be - when is your time, if not now? This world, of wonderful, deeply amazing things, Souls and aspirations - everything has meaning, especially as we struggle so painfully through this time of societal dichotomy, chaos and change as we connect awareness instantaneously, one with all, broadcasting from rooftops all that was concealed - truth and facts, for all with an eye or an ear. Go well,