A double whammy, "hole in one" as they might say :) I know, I know, that's an insult to Hitler of course. Importantly, GAB is now getting the GoDaddy and Google treatment - free speech can not be tolerated, and especially free speech platforms (GAB's stated intention, certainly not Google's "do some evil"), whilst Hillery Clinton receives a hole in one for massive funding of Antifa - now at least we know where Razer get's his funding and why he was rabidly pro-Clinton during the recent USA elections... ** War on social media upstart GAB continues. Domain to be seized for promoting free speech http://theduran.com/war-on-social-media-upstart-gab-continues-domain-to-be-s... ------------------------------------------------------------ GAB served notice its registrar will seize its domain if not changed. ** Hillary Clinton EXPOSED: Redirected $800K from campaign to ANTIFA http://theduran.com/hillary-clinton-exposed-redirected-800k-from-campaign-to... ------------------------------------------------------------ Hillary moved massive amounts of money from her campaign to help fund ANTIFA.