On 1/6/21, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 16:30:04 -0500 Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm not in a good state of mind to post to the cryptography list,
you participate in that censored cesspool? How uncool. Also, how un-cypher-punk.
[giving-shit] You get censored when it's a human you can easily find and talk to doing the censoring? [/giving-shit] Anyway, I'm going through a psychotic break a bit atm. It was cool to learn you're friends with cecilia, punk-stasi. It's hard to remember your name batsoup happened after something I posted. I'm not sure what your goal is on this list, but I think you're having a degree of impact. I think I am too, which kinda scares me. I have a muse EEG headband I use to take recordings of my brain for the near-future [approximate scale: 1 decade] when they can use them to help you be safer. I reverse engineered it some, working off some things others had done, and started making a python library for it, and just today discovered one already exists. It's more polished than mine, but much less solid under the hood. It's hard to keep on working on it with this surprise. I got the documentation from my hospitalization for putting my hands in my pockets. The paperwork said I was totally stable and had no evidence of mental issues, but that also they put me on an antipsychotic. I think I must need it more now than I did then. It said my complain on entering was "I wanted to get a passport." One document said that the police took me because I was sleeping in my car (maybe they guessed this, it's not strictly accurate). Another said I demonstrated paranoia and said their were devices in my phone. It doesn't say who hospitalized me, not even what town's police department. The hospital has been closed by lawyers Maybe I'll make like a public pgp key or something, and sign my emails with it, in protest that none of our emails are signed. I could make keys with other systems too maybe or something. Seems hard to do.