If anyone needed any evidence that Julian Assange was on a warpath of principle, and against "the system" and the corruption we witness... Assange possibly still alive, most likely no longer at Ecuadorian Embassy, taken clandestinely. Assange has made no "certain to be Assange" public announcements for over a month, not able to speak publicly? Still alive? Assange's current lawyers "barred from attending" the interviews of Assange by Swedish prosecutors, which supposedly happened November 12th 2016. Please post here if any PROOF of Assange being still alive, comes to light, thank you. Serious stuff folks, the clandestine war continues. http://wearechange.org/internet-frenzy-assange-dead/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqLZgWudtI4 April 16, 2016: John Jones QC, Assange’s U.N. Lawyer, dies from jumping in front of a train. May 11, 2016: Michael Ratner, Wikileaks chief council dies of cancer. July 10, 2016: Seth Rich, DNC Staffer a possible Wikileaks informant is murdered walking home in Washington, DC. Oct. 7, 2016: Wikileaks starts to release the Podesta emails, revealing crimes and damaging information to the Clinton campaign and DNC. Oct. 15, 2016: Joe Biden makes vague threats to Russia after blaming Russia for Wikileaks. Oct. 15, 2016: Pamela Anderson (Who Has Ties To Spirit Cooking) Brings Food To Assange At The Ecuadorian Embassy. Oct. 16, 2016: John Kerry visits the UK to personally pressure Ecuador to stop Assange from publishing documents about Clinton. Oct. 16, 2016: Wikileaks tweets out SHA-256, pre-release keys, possibly as a threat to Kerry, The UK and Ecuador. Oct. 16, 2016: Julian Assange’s internet connection is severed. Oct. 17, 2016: A Wikileaks volunteer tweets “You can’t go in without an appointment. Julian is confirmed to be perfectly fine. Thanks for your support and for checking.” Oct. 18, 2016: Fox news reports Assange will be arrested within a matter of hours. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Oct. 18, 2016: Wikileaks releases full list of files on the server with file properties on the site changed to 01-Jan-1984 Oct. 18, 2016: London airport evacuated due to “chemical fumes.” Oct. 21, 2016: Massive DDoS attack on U.S. internet. Oct. 21, 2016: Heavily armed police are spotted outside Ecuadorian embassy. Oct. 22, 2016: Gavin Macfadyen, Mentor to Assange and key player in Wikileaks dies of lung cancer. Oct. 23, 2016: Wikileaks Twitter account tweets a poll asking how best to prove Assange is alive people ask for a video and none is provided. Oct. 26, 2016: Julian Assange talks to a conference in Buenos Aires. Nov. 5, 2016: RT releases an interview with Julian Assange with John Pilger. However the interview is edited and Assange never comments on current events. Nov. 6, 2016: Huge DDoS takes down Wikileaks for first time in years. Nov. 12, 2016: Swedish prosecutors arrive at the embassy but Assange’s lawyers are barred from attending and the meeting was conducted via an Ecuadorian ambassador not face to face. If Assange is alive and well, it should be no problem for WikiLeaks to provide proof for their supporters using a video-camera. However, even if WikiLeaks does release a video of Assange, there is likely still concern within many that it might not be authentic, given the fact that we live in an age where both audio and video can be manipulated. Given the threats to WikiLeaks that have occurred so far in 2016, some fear that the organization has been compromised. In August, an unknown potential assassin climbed a balcony at Ecuador’s London embassy just months before the Podesta emails were leaked. By not releasing accurate information about Assange’s whereabouts, Wikileaks is only fueling the fire of speculation that something may have happened to him. Until Assange’s well-being and location are verified, the conspiracies will continue to run rampant claiming that he is dead. Explosive document could REVEAL WikiLeaks whistleblowers behind German NSA paper release http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/739565/Wikileaks-Germany-NSA-US-spy-Ange...