Message du 15/04/14 01:00 De : "rysiek"
For example, the fact that Deric Lostutter faces more jailtime than rapists he exposed: http://politicalblindspot.com/he-exposed-steubenville-now-what/
...is a direct effect of hackers not engaging in politics (in the second sense). And a great exemplification of the good old "regardless of whether or not you are interested in politics, politics *will* get interested in you, eventually" rule.
One could argue that laws which punish hacking as a higher offense than rape is a byproduct of stupid politicians scared by technology which they don't have any understanding of. As an instance, there are countries in which probing a systems' vulnerabilities gives you jail time, you doing a port scan is a criminal offense depending on your citizenship. This arks back to my argument that politics is nowadays nothing more than religion was a few centuries ago. There was a time priests would throw holy water against locomotives because them howling machines were surely hiding some kind of devil in their bellies. Politicians not understanding what technology is about, just throw all the police they can at it. The results of that are things like the cameras in London and that huge NSA datacenter in Utah.