On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 11:19:53AM +0000, John Newman wrote:
On August 17, 2019 12:35:38 AM UTC, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
your bar is pretty low. Majority of countries are better than the US,
US has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Any country is freer than the US. Next.
Most of those are blacks, and most of those blacks are descended from those that their home country did not want wandering around for much the same reasons as we do not want their descendants wandering around.
You're so fucking disingenuous, or maybe just so fucking stupid, you don't think the effects of enslavement have rippled out to the modern day?
Come on John - that's a change of topic, so a bit of a straw man. Your 'arguments' will be received much more powerfully if you begin with acknowledgment of that part of your opponents 'argument' which you are able to acknowledge - reactionary topic changing suggests to the reader that you may be close to unable to assess (rationally that is) both sides of the argument you just pounded into emotionally - it's an easy thing to do, just as well --I'd-- never do that :D
There's a reason black people are over represented in things like extrajudicial killings (murder by pig), and incarceration,
We have a lot of bad laws. We jave some bad cops. We have many self serving politicians, and an administration (behind the politicians) which operates mostly in the murky shadows. For your argument that 'murder by pig' is supposedly significant (at least, to any discerning reader), you'd have to separate the actual statistics/ ratios, per race, per locality, for both sides of such shootings, and for both directions of such shootings - 'murder of pig' is the other direction. Only THEN can you normalise (if you have the statistical ability) for the delta between specific cases. Without doing this, you're emotionally handwaving or reacting. If you did do that, or found someone who has done that, this would be positively intriguing information - or at least something much close to information than your above spouting. There is a very simple stat which has been memed prodigiously in the last few "TDS" years - the murder rate, for blacks and whites, and by whom - blacks murder at an extremely high rate, and murder their own at similarly high rates. The testosterone of the black man is notably higher than (at least modern) white man. Combine this fact with a bunch of bullshit laws such as smoking and selling weed being "illegal; to jail sonny" and that testosterone in the blacks flairs up in particularly unfortunately useless ways like shooting one another, rather than uniting, forming their own local sanity coalitions... whitey appears to have a consistent advantage when it comes to strategic thinking.
and those reasons are (a) racist assholes like you
That's meaningless, emotionally reactive "leftist" crap.
and (b) a system that already grinds the little guy down
This is a very agreeable assertion. Pathetic laws which consistently advantage fake persons such as corporations, and the wealthy and powerful oligarchs.
has ground the little black guy even harder for even longer,
You really (seriously) should take in some african "immigrants" (fresh off a boat), and put them up in a spare room, sunroom, tent, whatever - especially islamic Africans fresh off the boat, especially if you have young children sharing your home, especially if those young or teenaged children are female. Enjoy the "love" John, enjoy the love and utopia of peaceful and inspiring miscegenating heavenly love, banging down your beaten sorry cracka arse. Would be very fitting that - may be smack some wake up sense into you, get a dose of the true bullshit we've been programmed to believe.
with no appreciation for the fact that the wealth of these "United States" were built on the bloody whipped backs of those self same people.
Local African king or warlord is offered gold for some of his own, regularly. The high testosterone rowdy males who step over their own tribal line (within their own dang localities and people even) are often offered the choice - go work for cracka in the New World, or we will point the bone at you | burn you alive | run you out of the tribe. Fine choice - what a great option indeed, go to the new world, possibly make a life their. So, some form of convict in other words. Remember, white Irish slaves were the first slaves in America... Anyway, in our own way we probably all wish the world was simpler - more black and white (no pun intended). Due to the limits of data collection and corresponding statistical analysis, we shall likely never know the true % of those slaves who were criminals vs "undesirable for non criminal reasons" or those just plain kidnapped "in coastal raids" into the slave trade by the (arguably largely Jewish) slavers or slave traders (la sluttie Wikkie do not seem to explain this part, simply using the term "Western European slave traders", so reader beware): Atlantic slave trade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_slave_trade Slavery in the colonial United States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_colonial_United_States African Slave Trade Patrol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Slave_Trade_Patrol I used to have a less politically slanted link than Wikipedia but cannot locate that atm... David Duke for example cites a book written by an orthodox Jewish rabbi, Rabbi Van de Kamp, published in 2013: Jewish Role in African Slave Trade Admitted by Rabbi in New Jewish Book https://davidduke.com/jewish-role-african-slave-trade-highlighted-new-dutch-... A seemingly well written but unattributed article refutes at least some of the "Jews were predominant in the early modern slave trade" position, although without addressing the above book in particular: Jews and the African Slave Trade https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jews-and-the-african-slave-trade/
The incarceration rate for whites is similar to that of most white countries.
The US is as free or freer than any white country,
like I said I won't bother with rankings.
What white countries have you been to?
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