r = radius of spool
t = time/theta
x(t) = r * (cos(t) - t * sin(t))
y(t) = r * (sin(t) + t * cos(t))
( :D )
i wonder if there is a way to write it in vector notation, i guess i’d cross the angle vector with Z to take perpendicular :s
oh i could use imaginary exponents
p(t) = r * (exp(i t) + i t * exp(i t))
i wonder if wolfram alpha will plot it on range like 0..2pi, r=1
i removed the r because it scales all points the same. i didnt find how to plot the exponential version, but did plot it parametrically. the curve is tighter than i expected thinking about profiles
> parametric plot (cos(t) - t * sin(t)), (sin(t) + t * cos(t)), t=0..2pi/4
i guess looking at it, i’m wondering if there’s a mistake. ohhhh i see, i think, it starts at the right with a thread length of 0, then once it unwinds 90 degrees it is actually pulling from much farther along the spool
i’m considering the result will be incorrect if the tangent is taken in the opposite direction as the winding. i guess i should figure whether i got that right.
looks like its unwinding counterclockwise because sin rises and cosine drops as angle rises
i think it’s possibly right? with the sine negative, it will start aiming to the left and up, whereas if the cosine were negative it would be aiming to the right and down. is that right? hmmm …
thinking of unwinding thread. you start with end matching radius, but as you pull the tangent point moves away from the end. it’s actually pulling in the opposite direction! the tangent point travels in the opposite direction as the line to the end. oops.
so if it’s unwinding counterclockwise, then the line should be drawn along the clockwise tangent, i believe. better fix that.
x(t) = r * (cos(t) + t * sin(t))
y(t) = r * (sin(t) - t * cos(t))
p(t) = r * (exp(i t) - i t * exp(i t))
parametric plot (cos(t) + t * sin(t)), (sin(t) - t * cos(t)), t=0..2pi/2i doubled the domain to see the origin
this looks more correct!