On 1/2/19, Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
I think Texas has or had a similar law at least for locksmiths, which are licensed by the same agency as security officers in this state.
That explains the local "licensed" "security" "officers" at this one place sleeping on the job with whacked out bloodshot eyes dumb as rocks. They can barely secure their own pants... and the Government granted them to secure things? Must be that "bonded" and "insured" State mandated kickback part, combined with the State Licensing Board immunity it conveniently granted itself, and the "license fee" and supporting administrative "taxes" it steals, all ultimately still at your own expense and risk. Fuck that. Read the news... licensing has never prevented a single scam from those liicensed. You want "licensed"... go on internet review boards, meetup locally, network for recommendations, check references. That's your "license", same as always in human history. Pay the good unlicensed ones cash. Circumvent the State.