On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests "databases" was lost from this list during typing - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional missed large scale category. institute regime change, spawn arbitrary message cults, adopt or destroy popular habits or memes
more ideas coukd be found from cypherpunk and TI communities and writings the best ideas people get programmed never to speak of and it's hard to cobble them together but you can maybe approqch them via psychotic terror stories like,torturing people by instilling violent personalised delusions in the people they notice also coercing silence itself is one "punish" and "reward" seem poignant categories maybe boss kind of gets into the mind control and uses excessive power to play with it. a cool game design could start with that and twist the user experience to develop and encourage themes other than sadism, like rescuing from horror into safety for example, but work with all the juicy parts that stem from sadism