Links have already been posted clearly differentiating "flu" aka "influenza" from "corona". Continued refusal of basic DNA sequencing, bug classification, means and results of action, science... does not help make your relative "flu" argument.
germany : 19000 fake deaths, pop. 80 millions : 0.02 % japan : 8600 fake deaths, pop. 130 millions : 0.006 % china ; 4800 fake deaths, pop. 1400 FUCKING MILLIONS : 0.0003 %
... wrong German figures again. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Germany 73418 / 84M = 0.08740% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Japan 8758 / 126M = 0.00695% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_mainland_China 4636 / 1443M = 0.00032% Those are the per pop to date numbers, which mean little about virus itself, and indicate much in question about the rest. Rerun the big ratio table posted to see what has changed in some countries for the analysis questions in it. Sheeple are bending over for the numbers, and for Fauci the Fearmonger, Gates the Globalist, and rest of the global power fucker team, including US Democrats, so it doesn't matter if they're fraud numbers from test cycle iteration amplifiers set to 9000, fraudulent Gov+WHO+Corp and health systems, $$$, or any other reason, at all, or not... the propaganda has already won against the sheeple since Jan 2020. And they'll be censored from posting or reading any truth or not for decades. That's all sad. Manage your own way of living in bug world, leave everyone else alone.