On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 11:22:59AM +0200, rysiek wrote:
Are we really to say that our culture is so weak, so vulnerable, so hard to defend that an influx of immigrants that amounts to 0,03% (yes, three- hundredths of a percent!)[1] of the whole population of the EU is suddenly a real threat?
[1] estimated 160 000 immigrants, estimated 508 million EU citizens
These might help you realize what the answer to your question is: http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2015/sep/15/refugee-crisis-hungary-lau... Refugee crisis: Hungary rejects all asylum requests made at border – as it happened http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/9/15/serbia-urges-hungary-to-open... The tough new laws make it a criminal offense, punishable with several years of prison time, to cross into Hungary without permission or to damage the 103-mile, 13-foot-high fence along the border with Serbian that was completed on Monday evening.