On Mon, 09 Apr 2018 23:36:28 +0000
Steven Schear <schear.steve@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://mises.org/power-market/what-makes-ai-dangerous-state
I suppose you are linking that as an examploe of retarded, corrupt,
shameless defense of corporatism by poster children for fake
libertarianism like the moses institute.
" we're led to believe that it is problematic that Google tracks our
web searches and Facebook knows our friends and beliefs ("because
autonomous weapons"?). While I agree that it is ugly"
"they operate under the harshest regulation there is: the market."
What. Market.
"if the State would "regulate" how Google and FB use AI to sift
through the data and feed people what they want to hear, what makes
anyone think this applies also to the DOD or NSA and their data, which
are *not* collected from consumers voluntarily "
and has the genius who wrote that piece of corporatist garbage
missed the point that google and facebook ARE the NSA and DoD?
Oh wait, that's exactly what being a fake libertarian is all about
isn't it? Shamelessly defend corporations, that is, an arm of the
state, while ranting about how bad the state is.
ps: image recognition is not 'intelligence'.