In another vein, what ops do you think a self-sufficient punk ought to be running? I'm thinking I absolutely need: - Tor endpoint <SNIP>
A word of caution: I have run both a high throughput remailer, and a low-bandwidth (3mb) TOR exit node, both in the early through mid aughts. If you are serious, you need to get you legal house in order, as you will be spending a fair bit of your time with the feebies. Make sure you have an attorney who reallyunderstands what you are doing, and make sure s/he's got a hefty retainer ($5,000.00 seemed to be about right). Also, and most importantly, make sure this legal beagle is willing to both give you their direct cellphone/pager #, but that they are willing to actually drop everything and go get your ass out of the pokey at 03:00! And yes, 03:00-06:00 really is the favorite "raid time" for a certain testosterone addled federal police agency. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't do it: I think *everyone* should, at least for a years or so, for a variety of technical, political, and other reasons. But you *cannot* go in unprepared! //Alif -- Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. An American Spring is coming: one way or another.