Anybody make money, and [Globo] SocComMarx's always want to steal it. Now you are free to create your own private SocCom walled utopian communes to see how stealing from others inside as a foundational non-virtue works in practice. Garbage. Teaching personal responsibility, voluntaryism, charity, much better freedom than theft.
The action threatens the viability of a levy the European Commission said would raise €25bn “to help bring down energy bills”.
Authoritarian Power Redistribute Monopoly Subsidy... SocCom's economic fantasy lols always fail in history, so go ahead keep doing that failure again again again again. Kill the anti-compete "laws" instead. Personal responsibility education wisely chooses only to spend that ongoes free competitors in the markets.
Brussels exceeded its legal authority by imposing the levy
Brussels has no authority, it's all made up fiction by you idiot sheep who foolishly kneel and bleat before anyone who says they have the right to rule over you fools. Grow some balls and tell them all to fuck off.