On Sat, 1 Apr 2017 15:54:04 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 09:26:41PM -0700, Razer wrote:
On 03/31/2017 06:36 PM, juan wrote:
On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 00:24:50 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Before the law sits a gatekeeper.
I wonder what he meant by "law" - actually what's the original word in german?
Google translate shows multiple definitions all having legal implications:
Of which word?
gesetz Cecilia kindly provided the original text here http://www.cordula.ws/stories/kafkalawde.html looks like one common meaning/translation as rayzer said would be act/bill, but I don't think that's the one Kafka intended. The text made me think of somebody wanting to enter "law school" or wanting to become a lawyer but I doubt that's what he meant either. I suppose the meaning could be cryptic, surreal or...kafkaesque after all.
The question is - what's the original Kafka word, before it was translated into English - probably need a German speaker/ reader, to find Kafka's original word.
law Recht, Gesetz, Jura, Rechtsordnung, Rechtswissenschaft, Regel
act Akt, Gesetz, Handlung, Tat, Urkunde, Aufzug
bill Rechnung, Gesetz, Gesetzentwurf, Schein, Entwurf
statute Satzung, Statut, Gesetz