Free and Open 4G radios/base stations are actually quite exciting for this reason. The thing which actually prevents mesh networks from working is mathematical: past a certain network size, path finding becomes too computationally expensive, so wifi based mesh networks can only cover a certain radius before they stop working. With the 4G spectrum, however, the distances between hops vastly increases, meaning that city-wide mesh networks can grow and remain performant. This allows for free communication and file transfer without centralized authorities. Obviously there are still threats, but there is a lot of freedom gained from network autonomy.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:07 PM, John Young <> wrote:
Now that it appears the Internet is compromised what other
means can rapidly deliver tiny fragments of an encrypted
message, each unique for transmission, then reassembled
upon receipt, kind of like packets but much smaller and less
predictable, dare say random?

The legacy transceiver technologies prior to the Internet or
developed parallel to it, burst via radio, microwave, EM emanations,
laser, ELF, moon or planetary bounce, spread spectrum, ELF,
hydro, olfactory, quanta, and the like.

Presumably if these are possible they will remain classified, kept
in research labs for advanced study, or shelved for future use.

Quite a few are hinted at, redacted and partially described in
NSA technical publications from 25-50 or so years ago. Many
developed for military use and the best never shared with the

A skeptic might suppose the internet was invented and promoted as
a diversion along with public-use digital cryptography. This ruse
has led to immense growth in transmission-breakable ciphers
as well as vulnerable transceivers. Packet techology could hardly
be surpased for tappability as Snowden and cohorts disclose the
tip of the iceberg. Ironically, the cohorts believe encryption protects
their communications, conceals his location and cloaks the


Rich Jones

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