On Sep 23, 2016 3:13 PM, "David Smith" <anon7427@tutanota.de> wrote:
> Not little boy and girl posers who like the idea of tangentially associating themselves with a movement that changed the world. 

I am just a lawyer, who loves Technology and Science a lot.  I am not a good cypherpunk.  I am not a good anarchist.  I am not a good coder.  I am still learning about all these subjects and about real privacy, security, a lot of things. 

I make part of crypto and privacy groups, cryptoraves and cryptoparties without being a good crypto activist yet, because, someday, I swear I will be a really good one and the people who knows me, feel it very well. 

I need more time, studies and, uff, much more material resources, but I will learn and, in the future, I will teach people like me, trying to learn alone.  I swear I am trying to learn, to study in my free time, even some people say I am too retard for it or just a "little girl poser".  I never said "I am cypherpunk" to any person in this world.  I am not using the movement in any sense, don't worry.

sea sea