Thanks for responding Z. "... This is the pragmatic approach which I prefer - and why I oppose BDS, since the remaining option is ongoing deep entanglement, which appears counter to our interests. There is some wisdom in "light" entanglement ..' I see BDS as light entanglement seeking to avoid heavy, but I'm glad you clarified things there. You think Jews should be allowed to colonize Palestine without peaceful sanction. Good to know. Shawn responds... Jews should rule Israel, Christians should rule America, and Hindus
should rule India, but if Jews don't, that is their problem, not ours.
I disagree with all three of these. Religion and government should be separate, especially in the US where the Constitution specifically says so. In general theocracies are problematic for world peace (which I'd like to see happen in my lifetime). Of course, some corporations (military contractors) profit more off of war than peace... -- Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at etc. Hear hear. Secularism today, secularism tomorrow, secularism forever. If there was a God it would be necessary to destroy it. A big part of GARP ( Global Anarchist Revolution for world Peace ) is establishing " God and the State ' ( Religion and Nations ) as the revolutionary subject. Later for capitalism. Corporations can't do much when their Theocratic and/or nation-state shields are down. Also their corporate billionaire heads will all be lopped. ( Sear Bill Henry Gates at Stiffs dotcom ) Thanks for your small contribution to CYPHERPUNK 2027!